Tuesday, May 26, 2015


                People have used drugs to boost power in order to have an advantage in sports competition. Even thought some believe that it's fine to take PED's (Performance Enhancing Drugs), it should be banned because it destroys the sport spirit in three major ways.
                 One of the most common reasons why athletes should not take the drugs is because it is bad for their health. The PED's are made with chemicals that have an effect on them including excessive hair, aggressive behavior, in addition to a risk of heart and liver disease. The costs of health to take such things are not worth considering; therefore, athletes should be very careful on trying these kinds of drugs.
                In addition to health problems, PED's make the field of competition unfair for those who have not taken it. Sports should be based on talents abilities, not fighting to win at all costs. Winning can not be bought and buy athletes. "A victory on the athletic field should be a triumph for the athlete, not the feat of a high-priced chemist working in a laboratory"(Catlin D 2012). Athletes have to show their abilities and skills the deserve titles.
              Since athletes have used PED's for a time, people now concern ones who take drugs. This makes people be careful on loving and cheering for their favorite athletes. For that reason, athletes may have lost their reputations because of other athletes using drugs; therefore, PED's must be completely banned on the athletic fields.

References :

• Catlin,Dr.D (Aug 7, 2012) "Testing Levels the Playing Field" Room for Debate : New York Times               Online 

• Bradbury, J.C. (Aug 8, 2012) "Fine The Dirty, Reward The Clean" Room for Debate : New York                  Times Online

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Is That Man Crazy ?

          The man did see the unicorn, but his wife did not believe him. After he insisted, his wife called the psychiatrist to see him. She told the psychiatrist that he saw a unicorn but he said : "No, a unicorn is a mythic beast". He said the exact same words she told him when he talked about the unicorn. He was pretending it to show that his wife is the crazy one to the officer, just like how she did to him.

Cellphone Etiquette

Answers of  "Is Cellphone Etiquette Dead?"

1. The important use of cellphones has a harmful effect on relationships by inappropriate use

2. The Author is against using cell phones and he wrote this article to persuade people from inappropriate use of cellphones; for example in (Para1) mentions "I was miffed".

3. It caused people to enjoy the technology in smartphones and be addicted to it.

4. • Duke's Grill throw people's food away if they use their cellphones.
    • Eva Restaurant gives 5% discount in exchange of surrendering your cellphone.
    • Perry's Deli banned the use of cellphone.

5. A person must excuse himself if he has to use the phone.

6. The statistic shows that people don't use their cellphones only for business, but all of the time.

7. The author ended the article with  a question to show that people can leave their cellphones entirely, but they are being addicted

8. I. Hook
    II.Examples and statistics
    III.Examples of businesses that made rules against cellphones
    IIII. What is more important, people or cellphones ?
    V. Ways of behaving the use of cellphones
    VI.People overdo it, and they become rude
    VII.We can stop using cellphones entirely

Friday, May 1, 2015

Response to Q.1

          Generally, short movies have short dialogues, but it's not the best way to view a point. Scenes that happen in the movie express feelings of characters. When the audience see a person in the movie, they can understand their feeling just from the look on the face or how they react. For example, when children were playing with water, Vincenté was frightened when he the water splashed on him. By that, we can tell that Vincenté had a bad experience of water as he's an environmental refugee. Same idea happened when he was washing hi hands and he lost attraction on water. In addition, Vincenté broke ice two times. This shows that he hates ice because it melted and a tsunami washed away his family. Dialogues may not always be the best way to explain stories, but actions and face expressions can connect to the watcher emotionally.