Generally, short movies have short dialogues, but it's not the best way to view a point. Scenes that happen in the movie express feelings of characters. When the audience see a person in the movie, they can understand their feeling just from the look on the face or how they react. For example, when children were playing with water, Vincenté was frightened when he the water splashed on him. By that, we can tell that Vincenté had a bad experience of water as he's an environmental refugee. Same idea happened when he was washing hi hands and he lost attraction on water. In addition, Vincenté broke ice two times. This shows that he hates ice because it melted and a tsunami washed away his family. Dialogues may not always be the best way to explain stories, but actions and face expressions can connect to the watcher emotionally.
Good use of specific examples to support your ideas. Remember to formally structure a paragraph with transitions.